Benefits of Being Hydrated and the Best Times To Do It!

Written by Shelby Satcher

Hello beauties!! This post is all about how important water is for you and the best times to hydrate to maximize its usefulness!

The benefits of water I will list below are scientifically proven:

  1. Drinking enough water is proven to help a person’s physical performance.
  2. Hydration has a major effect on energy levels and brain function.
  3. Drinking water can help prevent and treat headaches
  4. Water has a big effect on bowel functions and can help with constipation.
  5. Drinking water before and after a night (or day if thats when your prefer) of drinking can help prevent hangovers!!
  6. Lastly, water can aid in weight loss.

Most of these facts are widely known, however, what I found very interesting and that I did not know was the best TIMES to drink water. Now obviously you can and should drink water throughout the day but these are just a few tricks to maximize water’s benefits.

  • 2 glasses of water after waking up can help kick start your internal organs for the day.
  • 1 glass before going to bed can help prevent strokes and heart attacks.
  • 1 glass of water 20 or 30 minutes before a meal can aid in digestion.
  • 1 glass before taking a shower or bath can help lower blood pressure.

* Tip: when taking a shower, to help rev your metabolism, try turning the water all the way to cold at the end of your shower. This will do a number of things including help your metabolism, seal your pores in your skin, and seal your hair cuticles. 

I hope that this information is useful for you!! Let me know if you have any suggestions for future blog posts!

Xx, Shelby