Tips to prevent skin imperfections

Written by Shelby Satcher

Do you hate having pimples, big pores and the dreaded razor burn? I know I do! Over the years I have learned a few tricks to help prevent these annoying blemishes.

First we will start with pimples:

  1. The absolute BEST way to prevent or treat these stubborn bumps is to wash your face morning AND night. It is crucial to keep your face clean because your face is much like the windshield on your car, it gets the dirtiest. I recommend a light weight facial soap. I use Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit Oil Free Acne Wash. 
  2. Another step in the pimple-ridding process is to use a Toner. Toner is a great way to minimize oil and the size of pores. It also is very useful as a spot treatment; If I have a gnarly pimple I will poke a small hole in it and dab on my toner. I use Olay’s Toner because it is strong but gentle on your skin.
  3. The last step in pimple prevention is to moisturize. If you’re like me and have super oily skin, you probably skip the moisturizing process, DON’T!! Moisturizing is just as important as washing because it heals the skin and seals the pores. I use Olay’s Age Defying Moisturizer. 

TIP: Exfoliate twice a week (FACE AND BODY) You can do this with a microdermabrasion cream or just face/body scrub. (If I don’t have either I just scrub my body really hard with a loofah) (: 

Second is dealing with the huge gaping holes we call pores:

  1. To start the minimizing of pores we will begin with the face washing process. While you are washing your face, start out with warm water, then, when you are ready to rinse, use cold water. This closes the pores.
  2. Another thing that seals pores is toner! It is very easy to apply: just dab some on a cotton round and gently wipe every inch of your face, neck, and chest.

TIP: NEVER forget about your neck and chest!! they are just as important and can have the same blemish problems as your face. 

TIP #2: If you are having trouble with big pores and need a quick fix, try applying a cube of ice on the problem area or sticking your head in the freezer LOL 

Third is dealing with razor burn:

  1. Just like your face, your legs need to be handled with care, especially when shaving. To prevent razor bumps, try wetting legs with hot water, and then after shaving rinse with cold water; like the face, this will seal pores.
  2. When shaving try going with the grain of your hair. When you go against it, it pulls the hair and makes razor bumps more likely due to irritation.
  3. NEVER “dry shave” dry shaving will definitely result in razor bumps. if you do not have shaving cream, a good alternative is hair conditioner. (I always use conditioner, I found that it works best with my legs)
  4. Last but not least, BEFORE shaving, exfoliate your body with warm water. This will loosen the hair from the pore and make shaving less irritating.

I hope that these tips are beneficial to you and I hope you never have to deal with skin imperfections ever again!!


Xx, Shelby.