Tips for weight training

Written by Shelby Satcher

Hey guys, this post is all about how to get those gains with out straining yourself or getting injuries. Here are a few tips that I found to be really helpful!

  • Tip #1: Warm up! 

Its never a good idea to try and work out your muscles when they are cold and stiff. To help prevent tears and sprains, try adding a warm up to your work out. For example, before my work outs I do 50 jumping jacks, high knees, and running in place for 1 minute. It is important to get your body ready before jumping right into lifting heavy weight.

  • Tip #2: Stretch it out

ALWAYS stretch before AND after a work out; trust me you’ll thank me later. Stretching, like warming up, can prevent tears as well as soreness during or after a work out. I have found that when I have a good stretch I am WAY less sore after working out than when I don’t. (A plus is you will get more and more flexible (; )

  • Tip #3: Form matters!!!

The single most important factor to preventing injuries is correct form while lifting. More women have form-related injuries than men because of the different shape of our bodies. So it is very important that we do not rush and keep an eye on our form. If you’re in a rush at the gym, don’t let your body fall victim to an injury. Not only will good form prevent you from hurting yourself, but it will also make each pump more intense. If you don’t have good form you could be using different muscles to do the job than the ones you are targeting.

  • Tip #4: DON’T OVER DO IT

A common misconception to lifting is people always want to over do it by doing more weight, more reps, etc. FALSE. Doing too much too soon can cause harm and strain your body. Not to mention make you CRAZY sore the next couple of days. The best way is to gradually increase your weight and reps simultaneously.

These are some of the most common FAQ’s when it comes to weight training for women. I hope this was helpful. Now go to the gym and get that beach bod!!

Xx, Shelby