How to Get That Job

Written by Shelby Satcher

Interviews… we can’t live with them and we can’t live with out them! Some people are just naturals at woo-ing an interviewer but the rest of us need all the help we can get. I have had countless interviews and have yet to not get what I’m applying for. I have done some research and come up with some of my own tips to share with you job-seeking peeps.

  1. DRESS TO IMPRESS: Girls, I know you want to wear that super cute but also super short dress but you cannot. do. that. (unless the job your applying for requires it such as Hooters, Twin Peaks, etc.) From my experience, stay away from extremely tight clothing, bright colors, and short clothing (shorts, skirts, dresses.) My go-to outfit are some appropriately fitted slacks, normally black, navy blue, or gray. A nice button up blouse, and heels. It is also a good idea to dress up your look by adding some simple jewelry and a sleek hairdo.
  2.  RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH: Don’t just blindly walk into a job interview. Do your research on the job you’re interviewing           for. Prepare a dialogue with proper vocabulary that they would be looking for. Use a dictionary to review some words that are out of your own vocabulary so that you will seem smart and articulate. Interviewers love good articulation, even if you’re interviewing for a temporary job it always looks good to have proper speech.
  3. REMEMBER YOU ARE IN CONTROL: Do not be discouraged if you don’t get the job, there are plenty out there. Also do not feel obligated to take the job, if a better offer comes along always do what is in your best interest.



Xx, Shelby