So You Wanna Go On a Diet…

Written by Shelby Satcher

This post is for all the ladies and gents out there that need a diet that will actually work. I have struck diet GOLD and I am going to share the wealth with all of you. Now this diet is NOT a permanent diet. I repeat: THIS DIET IS A TEMPORARY CUTTING DIET. I have personally done this diet and have never been disappointed. If you are not familiar with a cutting diet, it is something you do for a short amount of time in order to drop pounds fast.

  • MAJOR ASPECTS OF THE DIET: NO CARBS!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that sounds like hell, but it is only temporary. The best way to do it and do it right is to cut out all carbs and READ LABLES. The way I do it is 3-4 weeks of eating only chicken or turkey and only drinking water.
  • BENEFITS: It only takes several weeks to drop almost 40 POUNDS!!!! It is healthy and it is EFFECTIVE. Not only do you drop weight you also will be kick starting your metabolism to burn your daily calories even AFTER you’re off the diet. All the water you will be drinking (1 gallon per day) will help your skin, hair, and nails radiate with beauty. Lots of water + cutting out crabs and sugars = less acne
  • HOW TO PREPARE: Crystal Geyser sells individual 1 gallon jugs for only $.99. Try to drink one a day. I also buy Tyson Grilled & Ready Chicken Breast Fillets. They are a little over $6 per bag which come with 6 fillets. BONUS: SOME bacon (not all, read labels) are 0 carbs and okay to eat for breakfast on this diet. BONUS#2: SOME cheese (again… not all, read labels) are 0 carbs and could be a decent snack. Be careful with fruits and vegetables because many are high in carbs.
  • MY PERSONAL SCHEDULE: For breakfast, I eat one hard boiled egg and a piece of chicken. (If you’re like me and have to have coffee, have a small cup with ONLY milk and you should be fine) For lunch I eat a piece of chicken and use hot sauce to dip the chicken in. For dinner I eat 2 pieces of chicken and hot sauce for dip as well. And that’s all it takes to lose unwanted weight, kick start your metabolism, and make your hair, skin, and nails beautiful.
  • MAINTAIN SELF DISCIPLINE AND YOU WILL SEE RESULTS: Don’t be impatient. This diet is fast but it won’t show in a couple of days. Try not to weigh yourself every day either, diet or not your weight will fluctuate. Focus on doing the diet correctly and you will be happy.

Side note: Don’t do this diet to please anyone but yourself. At the end of the day, what matters most is your own happiness (:


Xx, Shelby